Venturing for impact
together, we make your assets
What drives us?
Wire Group wants to work towards creating a values-driven economy that consciously contributes to people’s well being throughout their lives, while being in harmony with nature, culture and society.
We were founded in 2010 with a view to actively help making the Impact Investing sector in the Netherlands more professional and accessible. It is our dream that, 10 years from now, Impact Investing will no longer exist because sustainability will have become an integral part of our economic and social system.
The name Wire is motivated by the realisation that we can only create this from a place of genuine solidarity with ourselves and with each other.
Making your capital work
for you and for the world
We familiarise you with the world of Impact Investing. Wire Group offers a broad range of activities and networks to optimally facilitate your journey to making a greater impact. We view ourselves as both a handbook and a guide. If you wish, we can take the work off your hands. Using our knowledge and experience, we guide you towards the best path to making the impact you seek – one that is unique!
It's time to Regenerate
We call for Change!
What if you could invest for multiple returns? Not just Financial value, but also for Impact and personal growth? The time has come to take action and align your wealth with the world you would like to live in.
Let’s make the shift towards a more conscious economy together. In this short video we share our vision. We call for change! It's time to regenerate.
What others say about Wire Group
“Working with Wire Group, we have taken enormous steps over a period of three years to transition from donating money to social investing. As a result of their excellent support, we have made the desired change from being an active committee to being a professionally organised Public Benefit foundation (ANBI) with clear goals and resources”
“In a warm and professional manner, Wire Group has helped our family find a work method that optimally serves our ambitions with respect to finding purpose, making an impact and yielding financial returns.”
What we offer
Wire Academy
offers a wide range of training & courses oriented towards both the novice and the (more) experienced impact investor.
Wire Ignition
is specialised in tailor-made pathways for clients that want to make a start or start over with Impact Investing.
Wire Investments
supports clients with building up an investment portfolio based on their personal vision of making an impact.
Wire Community
facilitates network and knowledge development from the perspective of a holistic vision of society and the economy.
About us
Together we have profound practical and research experience in the fields of impact investing, VC/PE, M&A, wealth education, impact measurement and system change.
Wire Group acts professionally in a personal manner and we are guided by principles such as transparency, co-creation, high quality and mutual enjoyment
What questions can we answer for you?
Connectivity is central to Wire Group, which is why we would like to keep you informed of the latest developments.
Innovations to future proof the Private Equity model When starting in the Impact investing or Lees meer…
Impact investing in bonds
NEW THEME PAPER Making impact as a bondholder In collaboration with Triodos Investment Management we Lees meer…
Impact Measurement, or ‘Regeneration Verification’
Last week I was on the panel in a webinar ‘Impact investing beyond intention and Lees meer…
New Home for Wire Group – the Home of Conscious Wealth
As of September 1st Wire Group is moving! We will be moving into the former Lees meer…
Especially now, investors expressly opt for sustainable impact
Wire Private Markets Fund attracts € 25 million The new impact fund Wire Private Markets Lees meer…
Reaching out in times of Corona
Dear all, In these turbulent times of Corona, we would like to address some words Lees meer…
My Journey towards Conscious Wealth
A short blog, to share some of my thoughts, questions and to give an update Lees meer…
New imperative for leaders: competence and conscience
Godelieve Spaas, founder of Wire Group, got interviewed by The Huffington Post for her doctoral Lees meer…
Contact Wire Group
Are you curious? Do you want to know more about the possibilities? Or are you interested in our fund? Then we would like to get to know each other. We can of course do this over the phone, but you are always welcome to come grab a coffee or take a walk together.